QuestionsCategory: SA-560What to do: Sir in class you have said to include inquiry part in our answer when there is specifically asked about inquiries wrt subsequent events but ICAI has included it in every answer. For evidential, you can check Q 22 of Ch 1 and Q8c of Ch6 in CA IPCC Practice Manual 🙁
Shubham MangalShubham asked 7 years ago

 Sir in class you have said to include inquiry part in our answer when there is specifically asked about inquiries wrt subsequent events but ICAI has included it in every answer. For evidential, you can check Q 22 of Ch 1 and Q8c of Ch6 in CA IPCC Practice Manual 🙁

1 Answers
RaviRavi Staff answered 7 years ago

cover them is all answers, we have to change as per PM requirements