QuestionsCategory: CA-Final Prof EthicsSolicating work Schd-1 Part-1: Is thr an effective way that CAs with/without CoP can solicit clients without falling under prof misconduct?
Auditaudit Staff asked 7 years ago

Is thr an effective way that CAs with/without CoP can solicit clients without falling under prof misconduct?

1 Answers
RaviRavi Staff answered 7 years ago

–Take Seminars for Business Men / Salaried People on tax and other issues — that way get in touch with prospective
— Be active at rotary / lions club / jci that way come in touch with senior CAs
— Spend time in social events
— Participate in ICAI programmes and be visible
— Keep your clients happy so that they recommend others also
— write articles and make knowledge videos 
— Show case your knowledge at various platforms available
— bring innovative solutions for clients and bring positive change in practice