QuestionsCategory: SQC-1Rtp Nov 16 question 1 .sir I can’t understand question as well as answer. Question is tricky. Please help me to make proper discuss of that question
6 Answers
RaviRavi Staff answered 7 years ago

Hello Prateek
Question 1 has 4 sub parts , in which question you are facing problem.
i am explaining Q1 (a) it is a regular question, covered in PM asked many times in Exams / RTP etc 🙂
its a mixed bag answer from 570
–Give Reference to SA 570
–Managements’s Responsibility about Going Concern in brief
–Auditor’s Responsibility in brief 
–Case Discussion
–Material Uncertainty Exists about GC so Disclosure from Management is Must else qualify or Adverse 
–If GC assumption is in appropriate and management is not ready to change it– Adverse

Auditaudit Staff answered 7 years ago

Sir audit rtp Nov. 2016 me question 1 ka koi part ni hai
SQC 1 and SA 220 ka question hai bohra and Co case study

Auditaudit Staff answered 7 years ago

Sir please once again seet

RaviRavi Staff answered 7 years ago

Hello Prateek 
I got the correct question.
First of all SQC1 and SA 220 says that ultimate  responsibility to mantain quality of work is with Engagment Partner.
Here partner has left work upto audit manager , so it’s not as per standards. If partner is not many requirements of SQC1 and SA 220 wont full filled.
Further partner should ensure that all conflicts are resolved as per firms policy . Here conflicts are not resolved is again non compliance of standards 

Auditaudit Staff answered 7 years ago

Sir  Who is audit managerÂ