QuestionsCategory: General QuesRegarding The Side Headings given in Param Question Bank For CA Final

In Param Question Bank some side headings are given in blue colour for proper sequence and remembering the concepts  i feel very comfortable with those side headings but when i opened and saw icai study material those extra side headings are not available so my query is are we supposed to write those side headings in the main exam also ??? is there anything wrong in doing so ??? will they be consider our answers because they always match the answers written by us with the key issued to them kindly please resolve my query sir ……..

1 Answers
RaviRavi Staff answered 2 years ago

those side headings are generally summary of points or  missing points in icai answer.
it is useful for retention, you can expand and write them in exams
it is absolutely fine to explain them in exams
dont try to learn things verbatim 
it will make life hell
you should have broad knowledge of concept and points to be emphasised, then you need to explain things in own language