QuestionsCategory: SAE-3402Notes are not provided only reference of examples is given ,why????? In auditing pronouncement book issued by icai various things are discussed .Provide proper notes for it.
DevanshuDevanshu asked 6 years ago
1 Answers
RaviRavi Staff answered 6 years ago

Hello Archit
ICAI has not asked any question on SAE 3402, we dont know what they are going to ask, if they are. We explained background and key points while teaching SA 402 and then explained reports of 3402 as reports cover all important parts of standard. COntent in report is short and sweet and makes you ready for any question from standard. Further we cannot invest lot of time as it is not asked in exams from so many years
We did our analysis of marks , content in ICAI material and came to conclusion , studying reports is best we can do, i will suggest you also to cover reports and see background of type 1 and type 2 in SA 402