QuestionsCategory: CA-Final Prof Ethics(Know Your Ethics) Whether Companies in which Chartered Accountants have been appointed as directors on their Board can publish description about the Chartered Accountant’ s expertise, specialization and knowledge in any particular field or add appellations or adjectives to t heir names in the prospectus or public announcements issued by these companies?
JayshreeJayshree Staff asked 6 years ago
1 Answers
RaviRavi Staff answered 6 years ago

The Council’s attention has been drawn to the fact that more and more companies are appointing Chartered Accountants’ as directors on their Boards. The prospectus or public announcements issued by these companies often publish descriptions about the Chartered Accountants’ expertise, specialization and knowledge in any particular field or add appellations or adjectives to their names. Attention of the members in this context is invited to the provisions of Clause (6) and (7) of Part I of the First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949. In order that the inclusion of the name of a member of the Institute in the prospectus or public announcements or other public communications issued by the companies in which the member is a director does not contravene the above noted provisions, it is necessary that the members should take necessary steps to ensure that such prospectus or public announcements or public communications do not advertise his professional attainments and also that such prospectus or public announcements or public communications do not directly or indirectly amount to solicitation of clients for professional work by the member. While it may be difficult to lay down a rigid rule in this respect, the members must use their good judgement, depending upon the facts and circumstances of each case to ensure that the above noted provisions are complied with both in letter and spirit.
It is advisable for a member that as soon as he is appointed as a director on the Board of a company, he should specifically invite the attention of the management of the company to the aforesaid provisions and should request that before any such prospectus or public announcements or public communication mentioning the name of the member concerned, is issued, the material pertaining to the member concerned should, as far as practicable be got approved by him.