QuestionsCategory: SA-315How is Q4 different from Q14b in chapter 3 of PM? Same question different answers?
Auditaudit Staff asked 7 years ago
2 Answers
Nirukt SharmaNirukt Sharma answered 7 years ago

There’s also a third type of question on Inherent Risk on page 5.7. Sir could you explain how to differentiate between the 3 questions and which answer to write?

RaviRavi Staff answered 7 years ago

Q4 and Q14 (b) are same and there answers should also be same.
In Q4 they misprinted types of assertions before starting actual answer
in Q14(b) they rectified this mistake
if you ignore assertion part, which is irrlevant both the answers are same
Question on 5.6 is useless just ignore it Q14 should be the base while answering factors useful for evaluating inherent risk question