QuestionsCategory: General QuesDifficulty in audit Question paper pattern since 3-4 Attempts ……

Sir while studying audit it is very beautiful simply and straight forward and iam able to cover all the concepts given in param and bhaskar book but when ever i see the previous exam question paper the questions that they are giving in the exams are not at  all relevant ??? and many of the new questions have been asking in exams sir ??? how can we deal with this situation in exams sir ??? and most important super A category questions also not asking in exams ??? despite of covering all the concepts without taking any chapter as choice but still iam afraid to how the questions will come especially in audit subject ??? This has been continuing since 3-4 Attempts onwards (As per my Analysis). kindly please give your valuable suggestions about this issue (NOT ONLY ME MANY ARE FACING THIS ISSUE). And july 2021 exam paper is a big disaster i cam say because none of the important chapters have not been given in exams ???

1 Answers
RaviRavi Staff answered 3 years ago

Yes, I understand CA Institute has been asking new question they have been targeting new concepts which were not given in main ICAI module or they were not focused or concentrated by any author’s book, i will say that we should not run behind such questions it is difficult to plan for it and difficult to prepare for it. Instead we should try to focus on 75 to 80 marks questions which are based on Bhaskar & Param question bank and trying to get maximum marks their by doing this you will be able to score around 50 marks and thats the good score and if luck permits your answers for remaining questions may give you more marks. This is the best strategy to deal with the situation. You cannot go and plan for complete 100 marks if you plan to do that you may lose your focus and your studies may derail.


– Team AG