QuestionsClarification regarding CA IPCC MCQ No- 172
RaviRavi Staff asked 5 years ago

172. Division of audit areas that are too important
and critical to the entity may be on the basis of:
a) Business units.
b) Specified areas.
c) Assets or liabilities, income or expenses or
other components of financial statement.
d) None of the above
Answer:- d) None of the above

1 Answers
RaviRavi Staff answered 5 years ago

MCQ revised for better understanding:-
Division of audit areas that are too important and critical to the entity may be on the basis of :
a) Business units.
b) Specified areas.
c) Assets or liabilities ,income or expenses or other components of financial statement.
d)It will not be divided and covered by all.
Answer:- d) It will not be divided and covered by all