QuestionsCategory: QuestionsClarification regarding CA Final MCQ No-323
RaviRavi Staff asked 5 years ago
1 Answers
RaviRavi Staff answered 5 years ago

323. Risk at financial statement level means that
a) may exist pervasively in financial statement as a whole and may affect many assertions.
b) may exist for particular class of transaction, account balance level or at disclosure level.
c) may not exist pervasively in financial statement as a whole and may affect many assertions.
d) may exist for particular class of transaction, account balance level or at disclosure level
Answer:a) may exist pervasively in financial statement as
a whole and may affect many assertions.
MCQ revised for better understanding:
Risk at financial statement level means that misstatement :
a) may exist pervasively in financial statement as a whole and may affect many assertions.
b) may exist for particular class of transaction ,account balance level or at disclosure level.
c) may not exist pervasively in financial statement as a whole and may affect many assertions.
d) may exist for group of transaction ,account balance level or at disclosure level.
Answer:a) may exist pervasively in financial statement as a whole and may affect many assertions.