QuestionsCategory: Co. Audit - IA CA firm has an account in axis bank and in that account avg bal is Rs.500000 or more.consequently bank appoint same firm as an auditor of bank.Is that firm is disqualified from audit.please correct if I am wrong.
Auditaudit Staff asked 9 years ago
1 Answers
RaviRavi Staff answered 9 years ago

hello vinay here we have to see application of 2 clauses.
1st here firm has given money to client so client is indebted to firm, firm is not indebted to company hence not disqualified.
2nd can we call it business relationship, as ca firm is using banking services from client and it is not covered in exempted industries of hotel hospital airlines and tele communication hence firm will be disqualified. firm should move account to another bank before appointment.