QuestionsCategory: General QuesCA Final Books
Romell SaldanhaRomell Saldanha asked 4 years ago

Hi Sir, 
I had a few concerns pertaining to your books
1. Does the Bhaskar Book Cover the concepts in ICAI Study Material Language
2. Do we need to separately refer to any other book if we refer the Bhaskar book as in recent attempts ICAI is picking up statements from module and framing questions
3. When will you release new editions of All your books with all amendments incorporated for 2021 exams??

  • Thank you sir, Stay Safe
1 Answers
RaviRavi Staff answered 4 years ago
  1. We retain icai module language at almost all chapter, we add our explanation, examples, summaries wherever required
  2. We provide bhaskar our regular book + param question bank which covers everything from SM, Old PM, RTP, MTP, Exam Questions + MCQ Book which again covers our own mcqs and icai mcqs in seperate section, this much material is sufficient, you dont need to take any other book, bhaskar and param comes in 2 volumes
  3. We release amendments for every attempt. As of now our next edition is expected in March 21