QuestionsCategory: General QuesA person engaged in manufacturing of threads then commission on sale should be deducted from turnover for tax audit applicability but in scanner it is not deducted… Why???
Vikash ShrivastavaVikash Shrivastava asked 6 years ago
3 Answers
RaviRavi Staff answered 6 years ago

Sales commission is never deducted from turnover / it is expense 
trade discount specified on bill is deducted from turnover

Vikash ShrivastavaVikash Shrivastava answered 6 years ago

Trade discount and sales commission is different thing…. Sales Commission is expense then it should be deducted bcoz expense is deductedd

RaviRavi Staff answered 6 years ago

only few things are allowed to be deducted from sales turnover for tax audit applicability.
trade discount specified on bill / indirect taxes accounted separately / reimbursement of expenses are not included in turnover and they should be deducted if included and for academic purpose  they should be deducted if problem is silent.
sales commission is not allowed to be deducted as per guidance note. if you get 100 and pay 10 as sales commission for turnover calculation 100 will be considered.